LNZ Pro 101

It's really useful to be able to use both PW and LNZ Pro together, so here is a short walkthrough of LNZ Pro. This is just the most common sections and what they do, not really anything super specific. I like LNZ Pro a lot because everything is neat and tidy and labeled for you. :D

Again I'm using the dane file just as an example, but this applies to all breeds and catz as well. MAKE SURE you back up all of your files before hexing!

Please know that I personally do not do anything really advanced in LNZ Pro, the most I do is addballz. This will just cover the very basics to use in conjunction with PW.

Opening a Breedfile

Simply go to File > Open and navigate to your Resource > Dogz/Catz folder. Once you have opened a breed, made your edits, and moved on, you can always go back to File > Open Recent and pick from a list of your most recently used files.

Navigating to LNZ

Once you open a breed, on the left there will be a list of stuff to expand. I don't think I've ever opened a section other than LNZ lol. If you click the + or just double click on LNZ, you can can go to the GD (adult) or GDPUP (puppy/kitten) section. The 1033 takes you to the same place as clicking GD or GDPUP.

Adult LNZ

Usually I mess with the adult lnz first. The first bits of this section are just telling the game where important things in the file are located. After that there are a few sections you may use;
[Add Ball] contains all add ball, or extra ballz, information. Everything is spelled out for you here. The first ball is 67. Ballz 67-76 are utility ballz, you don't need to change their colors or mess with them really. The next line tells you what each ball in that column does. Notable columns are the 5th (ball color), 6th (outline color), 8th (fuzz amount) and the last one (texture). Each section of add ballz is labeled except the first, which is the ears.

[Omissions] is a list of omitted ballz. These ballz aren't deleted, you just can't see them anymore. If you want to "delete" a ball or add ball, it's best to just add it's ball number to this list.

[Linez] contains all the linez (they connect ballz together) info for the breed. Like add ballz, each column is labeled.

[Paint Ballz] contains all of your spots, and everything is labeled here too. Notable columns;

You always need to add a 0 after the texture to anchor your spots and keep them from moving around and changing size.

[Color Info Override] and [Outline Color Override] will override the colors listed in [Ballz Info]  and [Add Ball]. The 1st number is the ball, the second is the new color.

[Texture List] is where you can add new or change current textures. Default game textures are in \art\textures as shown. New textures that you download should be placed in \Resource\Dogz (or Catz)\, and you will change the texture list accordingly. Textures are numbered starting with 0 (the top texture listed), 1, 2, 3, etc. going down the list.

[Ballz Info] is very useful: it's all the aesthetic information for the main ballz of the breed. The columns you'll usually deal with: